Membership Information

Membership of Thirroul Ski Club is currently open to direct family of current financial members ie

spouse, partner or children. For all other people the Club maintains a membership waiting list.

Thirroul Ski Club gives priority of membership to people who have stayed at Maranatha Lodge in the

winter as an associate member.

For all membership enquiries including transfers and/or requests to go on to the waiting list, please

contact the Committee at:

Thirroul Ski Club

PO Box 70

Thirroul NSW 2515 or email

For existing members who wish to join up direct family members a membership application can be

downloaded and sent to the Committee at the above address.

Membership Application Form

Cost of Membership

$3,000 Interest Free Loan (IFL) plus a $1,000 nomination fee (inc GST) per person. The IFL is fully

refundable (less any monies owing) on exit from the Club.

For Junior members, ie aged under 18 years, the $3,000 IFL may be paid off over a period of up to 10

years in annual instalments or until the child turns 18 years whichever comes sooner.

Annual Fees

Each year a membership subscription fee and maintenance levy is payable by each member.

Subscription fee - $185.00

Maintenance levy - $80.00

Members who attend at least one working bee during the year are exempt from paying the

maintenance levy for the following year.

Junior Members (aged 2 to 17 years):

Subscription fee - $90.00

Junior members are exempt from paying the maintenance levy. The Subscription fee and

maintenance levy are payable by 31 January each year.

Subscription Fee and Maintenance Levy Late Fees

Late fees apply to overdue Subs and Maintenance levies. These levies (together with

accommodation fees) are the income which enables the Club to operate successfully and carry out

essential maintenance and upgrades on the Lodge each year. In order to keep the booking rates

affordable, and the Lodge maintained and improved, it is crucial that these levies are paid on time

each year. The late fees are as follows:

Subs and maintenance levies will be required to be fully paid by 31st January each year.

After this date a late fee of $15.00 will be imposed for each year that the levies remain unpaid. A

letter will be sent out in April advising members of any outstanding levies and fees owing.

Members will then have until 31st May to pay their levies (including any late fees).

From June the late fee will increase to $45.00.

If the amount owing in fees exceeds the value of the Interest Free Loan and is not paid the member

will have their membership terminated by the Committee.

Membership Transfers

A member can choose to transfer their current membership to a family member if they wish to leave

the Club. The IFL remains with the Club and is transferred to the new member’s name. Payment of

the IFL to the resigning member is the responsibility of the new member taking over the



A member can choose to resign their membership. The IFL paid at the time of the member joining

will be refunded less any monies owing to the Club.

Change of Address

Please advise the Club Committee of any changes in your contact details including email contact

details. Change of contact details can be sent to Thirroul Ski Club PO Box 70 Thirroul NSW 2515 or

email The Assistant Treasurer –

Member Protection Policy

The objective of Thirroul Ski Club is to encourage, develop and promote snow sports, skiing, ski touring and other athletic sports and athletic games in which human beings are the sole participants. (Memorandum of Association of The Thirroul Ski Club Ltd)

The main objective of the Club’s Member Protection Policy is to maintain responsible behaviour and the making of informed decisions by members and other participants in this club. It outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to be safe and protected from discrimination, harassment and abuse. Our policy informs everyone involved in our club of the standards of behaviour that are expected of them. It also covers the care and protection of children participating in our club’s activities.

You can view the Member Protection Policy here.

General Enquiries

(02) 6457-5335

2 Billy Button Place, Perisher Valley NSW, 2624


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