Winter Booking Information
Winter Booking Availability
Winter Booking Forms and Information
Please see booking information document for more information on all special events.
Member bookings via e-mail and post will open on SUNDAY 10th MARCH 2024.
Telephone bookings open on the TUESDAY 19th MARCH 2024 (8pm - 10pm).
Availability is updated on Tuesdays by the booking officer.
Bookings contact is:
Booking Team
17 Toolangi Close
Cordeaux Heights
Tel: (02) 4228 6941
For booking conditions, rates and other related forms, please click on the relevant links below:
Please note that the booking officer will endeavour to fulfil room allocation requests but is unable to guarantee this due to variations of 2 and 4 berth rooms and the general make-up of visitors to the lodge.
* The bank deposit details for Bookings are different to the Membership Subs payment details. Please check your payment details are correct to avoid confusion.
For those of you wanting to make a direct deposit please do so once you receive an official invoice of confimration of booking from the booking officer.