Junior Race Team
2018 Junior Development Results
Click here for the full report!
2016 Junior Races
Junior interclub cross country champions second in downhill and third in snowboard. Third overall. Well done juniors!!
2015 Junior Training and Development
A very successful junior programme was run in 2015 which saw the return of the Junior Development Week as well as 2 weekends. It culminated in having the largest and youngest team in the Junior Interclub Races. For a full wrap of the year please see the report below:
The full Junior Interclub Race results can be viewed below:
2013 Junior Interclub Races
The full Junior Interclub Races results What a fantastic weekend it was to see our juniors battle it out against Illawarra Alpine, Illabunda, Imbac and Steelmakers in the Juniour Interclub Races. Our team showed incredible spirit for third place overall. There were some great individual performanced by our young team. The full results are shown below:
2013 Junior Interclub Race Results
2012 Junior Interclub Races
Our juniors performed valiantly for an overall 3rd place with the largest team - and also the youngest. The full results can be seen below:
2012 Junior Interclub Race Results