Club News

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The 48th Annual General Meeting of the Thirroul Ski Club Limited will be held at Russell Vale Golf Club located on Hicks Street Russell Vale on Sunday 25th March 2018 commencing at 11.00am. Lunch will be provided following the Meeting. Children are welcome. Presentation of Club Sporting Trophies will take place following the meeting.

Nominations for  Committee

Nominations for the following positions are called for:


Vice President


Assistant Secretary


Publicity Officer

Six Committee members

Nominations are to be lodged with The Secretary no later than 22nd February 2018. They shall be in writing and signed by the Nominee, Proposer and Seconder.

Notices of Motion

A member wishing to move any resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall lodge the Notice of Motion, in writing, with the Secretary no later than 22nd February 2018.

Rasma Kreilis

Hon Secretary

For the purposes of catering please RSVP to:

Gai Curtis or Heath Barnes

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